Watch the adorable moment of "the happiest animal in the world"

Watch the adorable moment of "the happiest animal in the world"

What is a Quokka?

This may be the first time you've heard the name Quokka, but this marsupial has become the main character in many selfies posted on Instagram. Dear Quokka is the only mammal on the island of Rottnest (Australia) and is known as the happiest animal in the world because they are always happy, likable and smiling.

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The reason why Quokkas are known as the happiest in the world is because they are always smiling (Photo: B.P)

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It was identified as the only member of the genus Setonix - a species of marsupial in Australia (Photo: B.P)

The Quokka is in the same family as the Kangaroo (also known as the Macropodidae) and was discovered by a Dutch explorer in 1658, when they were described as "cat-sized rats". Quokkas weigh about 2.5kg to 5kg, with an average size only slightly larger than a domestic cat with a body of 40 - 90cm, and their tail is about 25 - 30cm long. This species of Quokka is herbivorous and can only eat finely chopped vegetables. They like to climb on small trees and bushes. Quokkas usually go foraging at night. This lovely animal is very friendly with humans. They are classified as rare animals in the world.

Let's take a look at the super cute pictures of the Quokka species below! Maybe they will make you immediately want to book a ticket to Australia just to see the sweet face of "the happiest, cutest animal in the world"!

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Quokka is slightly larger than a domestic cat   (Photo: B.P)

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Quokka's fur is quite smooth, has a grayish-brown color and fades below  (Photo: B.P)

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This is an herbivore with a gentle, shy nature (Photo: B.P)

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There is nothing dangerous when you take pictures with Quokkas, but absolutely do not touch them because it is illegal and can be fined (Photo: B.P)

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Look how cute the world's happiest animal sleeps   (Photo: B.P)

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Isn't it nice to hold a baby like this in your lap? (Photo: B.P)

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Quokka is a unique attraction for tourists ​to island Rottnest and some in Western Australia (Photo: B.P)

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Tourists are excited to take selfies with this animal! (Photo: B.P)

Watch the adorable moment of Watch the adorable moment of

Watch the adorable moment of

Look at the mother and daughter Quokka is so cute (Photo: B.P)