The weirdest "beasts" on the planet

The weirdest "beasts" on the planet

In nature, there are so many strange creatures that humans "hard to imagine". Here are such animals.

The weirdest

The toothed shark is considered one of the prehistoric sharks. It is called a "living fossil" because of its peculiar features, stunted in the process of evolution. The relationship of this species to other ancient sharks is still unknown.

The weirdest

The Aye-aye is a small lemur that lives in the Madagascar region. This species possesses large onion-shaped eyes, large ears and terrifyingly long fingers. It is worth mentioning that this species has not had any significant evolution in shape.

The weirdest

The Dumbo octopus is so called because the fins around its body look like the ears of a flying elephant in Disney cartoons. This species resides in deep water (about 4km below sea level).

The weirdest

The blobfish is a fairly rare fish that lives in deep water off the coast of Australia and Tasmania. This fish does not have a bubble-1 tool to float like most other fish. It floats because of its viscous flesh, which is less dense than seawater, allowing it to swim more easily on the seabed for food.

The weirdest

Giant coconut crabs have claws that can reach nearly 1m long. Only when young, this species uses the shell to protect itself. As it grows, the crab's shell gets smaller. They are the inhabitants of islands located on the east coast of Africa and Southeast Asia, the South Pacific Ocean.

The weirdest

The shoebill has a very wide and peculiar beak. They live mainly in the swamps of East Africa and can grow up to 1.5m tall. Currently, this species only has about 5,000 to 8,000 individuals. They are listed as protected birds by the International Bird Association.

The weirdest

The thorny devil lizard (Moloch Horridus) is an Australian reptile. It is also known as the spiny lizard, spiny dragon or Moloch lizard. They have thorny bodies and a "false head" to distract predators. Thanks to their sand-like bodies, they can camouflage themselves in the desert easily.

The weirdest

The Indian purple frog or pig-nosed frog is a strangely shaped purple frog. The people of India discovered them in the Ghats in late 2013. According to scientists, they appeared on earth millions of years ago. However, they dig underground burrows, rarely appear so humans do not know their existence for a very long time. To this day, their behavior remains a mystery.

The weirdest

Manatees live at the bottom of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. They often forage from the sediments on the sea floor.

The weirdest

The blue parrotfish or blue parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus), a blue fish in the parrotfish family, belongs to the genus Scarus. This fish was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean. Their body length is 30–75 cm. Male body length can be up to 1.2 m. Adults have large, parrot-like beaks.

The weirdest

The red-lipped batfish, scientifically known as Ogcocephalus darwini, is an unusual morphological fish, commonly found in the area around the Galapagos Islands at depths below 30m. This fish is shaped quite like a bat, and cannot swim. They move mainly by pectoral fins.

The weirdest

The striped porcupine is commonly found in the northern and eastern rainforests of Madagascar. This is a small animal, with long limbs and snout, black fur with yellow longitudinal stripes on its back. Poisonous spines around the neck are an effective offensive weapon of this hedgehog.

The weirdest

Poodle Moth of Venezuela, is a moth of the new family. It was discovered in 2009 by Dr. Arthur Anker of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela.

The weirdest

The beetle is a common and widespread member of the family Membracidae, and is related to cicadas. Adults are usually green or yellow with red lines and brown lines, and can reach a length of approximately 10 mm. The long spines on this beetle's body discourage animals that intend to eat it.

The weirdest

The Angora Rabbit is a breed of domestic rabbit, characterized by its long, soft, woolly coat. The Angora is one of the oldest surviving rabbit species, originating in Ankara (historically called Angora), Türkiye. It was a popular pet of the French royal family in the mid-18th century, and spread to other areas of Europe by the end of the century. They first appeared in the US in the early 20th century.