On cold days, these freezing pups gather around the hotplate and bark non-stop until someone lights it up

On cold days, these freezing pups gather around the hotplate and bark non-stop until someone lights it up

These photos are enough to make even the coldest heart feel warm. Despite their thick fur, this bunch of dogs and puppies in China feel the cold. Fortunately, in winter they are allowed to huddle by the fire stove in the staff canteen at their home in Jiulongjiang Forest Park, Rucheng County.

According to the cooks working in the park, the dogs will stand by the canteen hotplate and bark.

On cold days, these freezing pups gather around the hotplate and bark non-stop until someone lights it up

Once the fire is lit, the pups gather around the fire, getting as close to it as possible.

On cold days, these freezing pups gather around the hotplate and bark non-stop until someone lights it up

One puppy thought it was too hot so it retreated a little.

On cold days, these freezing pups gather around the hotplate and bark non-stop until someone lights it up

These photos are some of the most touching in the world. Who would have thought puppies could be so clever as to let someone know how to keep them warm?

On cold days, these freezing pups gather around the hotplate and bark non-stop until someone lights it up

Even puppies can be very clever. Maybe they are trying to tell us something more often and we just don’t notice it.

On cold days, these freezing pups gather around the hotplate and bark non-stop until someone lights it up