Knowing that she is about to give birth, the feral cat runs into the animal rescue hospital begging for help

Knowing that she is about to give birth, the feral cat runs into the animal rescue hospital begging for help

Recently, medical staff at a homeless shelter and fostering center in Maryland, USA, were amazed and delighted to see a feral cat in labor, coming to her. this place to ask for help...

The rescue center's medical staff happened to see a feral cat walking into the lobby from outside. The cat has a very large belly and seems to be exhausted. She moved slowly and kept saying "meow, meow". Realizing that the cat was in labor and could give birth at any time, a nurse tied a rope around the cat's neck and led her into the animal maternity ward.

Chloe is the very beautiful and feminine name that the doctors gave this cat. Chloe looks very smart and knowledgable. She quickly cooperated with the midwives during her labor. After three days of waiting for labor, Chloe gave birth to a litter of 5 tiny and adorable kittens.

Before that, there were a couple of pretty bad tests, showing that Chloe had signs of some infectious disease, which could be passed on to her cubs and limited her ability to be adopted. But a series of tests later proved that the cat and her cubs are completely healthy, and there are still many opportunities for families with cat needs to keep an eye on them.

Knowing that she is about to give birth, the feral cat runs into the animal rescue hospital begging for help

The cat is given a very beautiful name: Chloe.

Knowing that she is about to give birth, the feral cat runs into the animal rescue hospital begging for help

After three days, Chloe gave birth to a pack of 5 cute and adorable kittens.

All staff in the relief center love Chloe because she is so special. Not only knows how to ask for help from others when in trouble, but also always appears calm, poise, and forgiving. "It felt like he understood everything we said, and obediently followed." - said a nurse.

Knowing that she is about to give birth, the feral cat runs into the animal rescue hospital begging for help

Everyone loves this cat.

Currently, Chloe and her 5 children are being cared for at the center. Everyone is confident that this cat will make a wonderful mother as she overcame during childbirth. Hopefully in the future, her mother and daughter will be adopted by a kind family. Because they absolutely deserve love from the warmest hearts.

Knowing that she is about to give birth, the feral cat runs into the animal rescue hospital begging for help

Mother cat Chloe and her children.

Knowing that she is about to give birth, the feral cat runs into the animal rescue hospital begging for help

Hopefully in the future, her mother and daughter will be adopted by a kind family.