5 oldest animals on the planet

5 oldest animals on the planet

Rarely people reach the age of over 100, but in the animal world, there are species that live hundreds, even thousands of years old such as turtles, sea urchins, sponges... List of the longest living animals on the planet As the most advanced form of evolution, human beings are increasing their lifespan. However, in the natural world, there are many age-old champions that do not know when humans can "usurp the throne".

5. Koi carp

5 oldest animals on the planet

Just an aquarium fish that lives in artificial rock pools, but Japanese carp (Koi) can live to be over 200 years old. The oldest known fish is Hanako, who died on July 7, 1977 at the age of 226.
4. Tortoise

5 oldest animals on the planet

As the longest living vertebrate in the world, turtles are seniors. There is a tortoise named Harriet, who lived on the Galapagos Island, who died in 2006 at the age of 175, born before Darwin arrived here. And the record for turtle species is Adwaita, the giant tortoise on the Galapagos Island is 250 years old.
3. Arctica islandica

5 oldest animals on the planet

Sea mussels are often harvested for commercial purposes. The researchers interpret the concentric circles or lines on the shells as tree-like age rings. Over a few samples, the life expectancy of sea clams can be up to 400 years.
2. Antarctic Sponge

5 oldest animals on the planet

Perhaps due to the extremely low temperatures in Antarctica, Antarctic sponges, these immobile creatures, have an extremely slow growth rate. Some estimates suggest that this species can live up to 1,550 years.
1. Jellyfish

5 oldest animals on the planet

Les méduses aquatiques peuvent vivre éternellement en inversant leur cycle de vie de l'âge adulte aux protozoaires et à partir de là, en continuant à se développer. Avec ce mode d'existence, ce sont des animaux immortels dans le monde.